Mike and Katie's Cabin

Welcome to our "blog"!!! We hope to share with you the journey we will take as we build our little dream cabin at our property in the Southern Tier of WNY.

Location: New York State, United States

I am a high school science teacher and my wife is a middle school counselor. We have two boys and a German Shorthaired Pointer named Jager!! We both love the outdoors and spending time at our property!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Letter to the building inspector

Today, I wrote a long letter to the building inspector of the town our property is located in. I had a lot of questions to ask him, so before I officially fill out the building permit application, I figured that I would drop him a line and ask him a few things. He is a nice guy to talk to so far. I have never dealt with an inspector before, so the last thing I want to do is get on his bad side.

The questions I had dealt with what he wants or needs as far as information aout the cabin. I am not building a real big place, so I didn't know if that would affect how to go about obtaining my permit. I explained in the letter how I was going to frame it and a few other details he would probably want to know about. I hope he will reply soon and let me know what I need to send him to obtain my permit. Hopefully next time you here from me, I will have heard from him and can get the permit process taken care of.


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