Mike and Katie's Cabin

Welcome to our "blog"!!! We hope to share with you the journey we will take as we build our little dream cabin at our property in the Southern Tier of WNY.

Location: New York State, United States

I am a high school science teacher and my wife is a middle school counselor. We have two boys and a German Shorthaired Pointer named Jager!! We both love the outdoors and spending time at our property!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


On a cold, crisp, gloriously sunny day, my dad and I headed down to the property to finish what we started last week! And did we ever finish. The big maple is down and wow, did it really clear the area out. We took out several other smaller trees that would be in the way in the weeks to come. We have left 5 sections of the tree intact. We left them all about 4 1/2 feet in length and they range in diameter from 8 to 17 inches. I still need to contact a lumber mill to have them cut in 1 and 2 inch slabs.

We plan on next week getting a chipper/shredder and clearing up the huge piles of brush that we have created. Once that is done we will have a better idea on the building site and then just a bit more clean-up to do before the excavators come in.


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