Mike and Katie's Cabin

Welcome to our "blog"!!! We hope to share with you the journey we will take as we build our little dream cabin at our property in the Southern Tier of WNY.

Location: New York State, United States

I am a high school science teacher and my wife is a middle school counselor. We have two boys and a German Shorthaired Pointer named Jager!! We both love the outdoors and spending time at our property!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Information update...

....sorry no pictures of my dad working!!!! Just keeping an updated timeline, that's all. I did a lot of work today. I received a list of materials from a lumber yard in the Southern Tier. I can use this to help me finalize my materials list. They also sent me the names of some gentlemen who install metal roofs. I called one of them tonight and talked with him about helping me with the roof installation. I may just wind up having him do it for me. I would just supply the materials.

I also am planning on meeting with my uncle this Thursday to help me estimate exactly the materials I will need and to discuss with him my plans and timeline to see if things seem accurate.

I also had several discussions with several people about the siding and I am hoping I can talk one of the companies in sending me some samples! I will take pictures of them if I get them and post them for you to see.

Building permit application is out and I am expecting an answer relatively soon.


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